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LaseTLP - Truck Lifting Prevention

Chassis lifts are a common accident in yard crane operations. When not all twistlocks have been removed, a truck together with its driver can be lifting along with the container during the operation. This leads to dangerous situations for the truck driver. 

Vergleich LaseTLP - vertikale Scanebene.jpg

Truck Lifting Prevention

The LaseTLP system consist of a 2D laser scanner that is mounted on the yard crane. It is positioned to have a vertical laser scanplane across the chassis and the container. 

This will allow the LaseTLP system to detect a truck lift caused by every possible twistlock combination

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Chassis Lifting Prevention

When the LaseTLP is triggered by the PLC, it is tracking the upper edge of the hoisted container, as well as the lower edge of the chassis.


Additionally, it is checking whether a gap between the trailer and the container occurs. Also, it will notice it if the lower edge from chassis will be lifted up in same way as the upper container edge.

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